In this video we will go over an amazing options strategy on AMC stock to yield a 4X or 300% return. This is safer than outright buying calls because time decay does not affect the contracts negatively..
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Stock Essentials is a channel for stocks, options, and personal finance. We go over the latest market news, the best stocks to buy, and the most profitable options strategies on this channel!
Recommended Reads:
► 📕 Rich Dad Poor Dad: https://amzn.to/2UlrhTm
► 📗 Trading Options for Dummies: https://amzn.to/3vRf6dY
► 📘 Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market: https://amzn.to/3j5dwTd
► 📙 The Intelligent Investor: https://amzn.to/3xI3b3E
Some Helpful Videos:
► 🔴 Buying Calls and Puts: https://youtu.be/-KGaN1QrGgE
► 🟢 Avoid PDT Rule: https://youtu.be/1sqw6CSzKdY
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