Feeling very very pregnant, hospital tour day, making progress on the baby to do list and chatting a lot about everything going on with a quick unplanned ep of THE GROTTO!
▷ GESTATIONAL DIABETES RESULTS (3 Hour Test) + WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! | leighannvlogs https://youtu.be/zjVfNPxeMHc
▷ MATERNITY PHOTOS + FIRST FATHERS DAY IN HAWAII (babymoon pt 2) | leighannvlogs https://youtu.be/A2KH0cRZeP4
▷ BABYMOON VLOG IN HAWAII: 29 WEEKS PREGNANT | leighannvlogs https://youtu.be/yGKZnG3gyTk
things i talked about in the vlog:
yellow dress https://amzn.to/3eb9Zj1
belly band https://amzn.to/3wE2Lu7
Treadmill https://amzn.to/3kIp6mc
Maternity biker shorts https://amzn.to/3wHTZLz
Sports bra https://bit.ly/3i5LF36
Work out tank (3 pack) https://amzn.to/3eeIYLF
Sneakers https://bit.ly/2P31Ljb
Crib sheet book https://amzn.to/3r7STHQ
Eclectic Den Dallas (shop) https://www.instagram.com/theeclecticdendallas
(above product links are affiliate)
My Amazon favorites all in one place: https://www.amazon.com/shop/leighannsays
Home Chef invite: https://www.homechef.com/invite/LJ4Vb4SVozZQa (this is an invite link that will give you $35 off your order and gives me a credit too. its not a sponsorship, anyone with an account can get an invite link)
Get 10% off my favorite jewelry: http://youtube.mejuri.com/LeighAnn
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New vlogs every Tuesday and sometimes Wednesday!
Leighannvlogs: https://www.youtube.com/leighannvlogs
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Business Contact: leighannsays@gmail.com
#LeighAnnVlogs #PregnancyUpdate
About LeighAnnSays:
Hey, I'm Leigh Ann and welcome to my channel! I post new videos every Thursday about my favorite beauty products, current fashion finds and really whatever else I want to talk about! Stay tuned to learn more about me and my life. Thanks for watching!
FEELING VERY PREGNANT + HOSPITAL TOUR DAY | leighannvlogs https://youtu.be/sjhgKroIcI0