Manifest Fast Subliminal - Self concept, Self Love & Manifestation Abilities Subliminal

Manifest Fast Subliminal - Self concept, Self Love & Manifestation Abilities Subliminal

Your Thoughts Create
Self concept subliminal
Self Love Subliminal
Manifestation Abilities Subliminal

Our subliminal's are recorded in "you are" statements as your subconscious mind has a difficult time accepting "I AM" statements, from an outside voice or source. This ensures our subliminal's work faster and without the need to clear any resistance. This means it is less likely to cause any side effects such as nightmares and unnecessary purging.

You may listen at a low volume with or without ear buds / head phones while you sleep at night.

You may listen as often as you like throughout the day during down time.
Do not listen to these subliminal's while driving or operating machinery.

This subliminal is a 2 hour loop of the following affirmations.

You are a powerful creator
You are a master at manifesting
You are the most powerful manifestor, that has ever existed
You have everything, you have ever wanted,
You see evidence of your manifestations daily
Only your positive thoughts manifest
Everything in your life is perfect
Everything always works out for you
You are amazing
You always feel amazing
You are love
You are Perfect
You are the best version of yourself
You love yourself completely
You are happy, calm, focused and whole
You always feel safe and secure
you radiate confidence
You are the most attractive person in the world
You are always the priority
you always come first
Everyone loves and adores you
Anyone you want, wants you more
Anything you want, wants you more

Coming Aug 2021
You can purchase custom subliminal's from

Disclaimer: This does not replace medical treatment, nor is this medical advice.

subliminalsubliminalsmanifest subliminal

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