The war for the souls of mankind rages on, as the seconds drop to the imminent start of the end of days. There are warriors, there are watchers, and there is the enemy. Which category will you play into? Every front imaginable is at play right now. With riots over the mark of the beast, China threatening to nuke the Olympics, as well as food shortages and crazy weather happening in every area of the world. We are literately seeing the last seconds before the start of the tribulation. And then all this is going to be amped up to a level never seen before in the history of the world! Do you know Jesus? You had better! And if you have slipped away, this is your last chance to repent and return to him before you are tossed into the great tribulation! The enemy has been making moves to steal souls for years! Will you be apart of Gods counter move to win them back?! You get one shot at this! Don't miss your opportunity!
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