#1 Manifestation Block That Empaths Disregard
The unconscious mind is where this block is stored…
Do you know what that block is?
Limiting beliefs.
Any time you have a burning desire to manifest a particular thing in your reality… there will be an INSTANT clash of…
Your powerful limiting beliefs and your strong burning desires.
Bringing awareness to these limiting beliefs halting your manifestation is first & foremost.
Because once you do…
Now you are ready to relinquish them and create new EMPOWERING beliefs.
Beliefs that serve you and uphold you to your highest timeline.
99% of the time…
A manifestation has yet to occur because you are still holding on to old beliefs (stories) that are inhibiting your ability to manifest.
In this new video…
I dive even deeper into this block, us empaths tend to disregard, and share with you an extremely powerful exercise to assist you in removing many if not all of those limiting beliefs.
If you found value in this video, please consider sharing the video in your stories to get the information out to as many people as possible.
Together we can truly make a difference.
Thank you for shining your authenticity & uplifting one another 🤍.
My brother Chase Gillespie and I are going to be launching a live workshop which we are BEYOND excited to share with you!
In this workshop we’ll be discussing…
How to Disarm Your Inner-critic.
That voice that tells you - You are not enough… you are not worthy… you won’t amount to much…
The voice that hijacks your tranquility on a daily basis.
We will be covering these 3 critical components that will assist you in “disarming” your inner-critic when it strikes…
🔘 The three most common inner-critic blocks in the spiritual community.
🔘 A 7 step process to help you manage the inner-critic more easily.
🔘 How to decode the messages from your inn-critic (there is always a message wanting to be revealed).
If all this speaks to you my friend…
And you are ready to gain clarity on just how the inner-critic operates… so you can begin to control it, rather than it controlling you…
Be on the look out next week on Monday morning @10am pacific for the official launch of the workshop.
Pss. My friends,
As I examine and learn to deal with my own inner-critic…
I’ve noticed more compassion, unconditional love, and understanding being developed for myself.
& as I integrate these emotions… the more I see it reflect in my physical reality.
It has been a truly transformative experience.