I was offered a chance to spend more quality time with my favorite Luxury convertible, the Bentley Azure. So I took it up the Portland Maine for some scenic drives to experience how the other half lives. Stay tuned for more as I experience what it's like to live with the 2007 Azure.
Carly OB2 Reader: https://bit.ly/31e1UUl
Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tedwarddrives
5% off Corsa Exhaust Orders with Coupon Code: TEDWARD http://bit.ly/2XV14HS
Logo Hoodie - https://represent.com/tedward-drives-logo-hoodie
Respect The Drive Tee Shirt - https://represent.com/respect-the-drive
Email: Tedwarddrives@gmail.com
Instagram: Tedward_ig
Snapchat: tedcol
Equipment Used:
Battery Tender: https://amzn.to/3aEcbwO
Phone Mount: https://amzn.to/3jLZUsE
Podcast Recorder: https://amzn.to/3jGR67e
Podcast Microphone: https://amzn.to/2HLDzOC
In Car Audio Recorder https://amzn.to/315tRxv
Binaural Mics https://amzn.to/3doOV6P
Camera https://amzn.to/2STKxn7
Hat Clip https://amzn.to/2IkJA56
#RespectTheDrive #Bentley #Maine