5 Common Mistakes Men Make With Women
Are you making these mistakes with women? I would like to talk to you about the 5 most common and fatal mistakes men make with women on first dates, ruining any opportunity to advance the relationship and make them flee in panic.
Here are the five mistakes you should not make when you're dating the woman you want to be in love with you:
1. Tell her you love her ... on the first date!
When you proclaim your love to the four winds, the mystery, magic and charm of seduction is lost. Remember, in the first occasions out with her you must be casual, fun and somewhat mysterious, and only when you know her well is that you can think about moving to another level.
Nor ask her to fall in love with you, keep in mind that the process of infatuation takes place outside of the conscious mind, so it is not something you can ask the other person to do.
2. Going too far, too soon.
Naturally you can imagine a future with that person that you like, but think that if you start talking about marriage in the first dates, children, and other issues that established couples speak about, you'll end up ruining any chance to take things any further away.
By the mere fact that you like one particular girl does not mean that you should speed things up.
It si better to let the relationship to follow a natural course. My recommendation is to go slowly and enjoy everything that you find on the road.
3. Being always available.
This is a very common mistake men make, especially when they are just getting to know a girl. Many are the women to whom I have asked, and all agree that there is nothing more annoying than having a man always at their side, or that be available 24 hours a day.
If you want women to see you as an interesting, independent and self-confident man, you must prove that you have a life that goes beyond waiting for her to call you to go to her.
Let her know you're a busy guy, with an interesting and fun social and work life, and the time you can devote to her is very limited, so she will seek to maximize the time on your side, that way she will value you more.
4. Look for her approval.
Women are attracted to men with a strong self-esteem and are confident of themselves. A man with a distinct personality does not do what the woman wants, or tries to guess what she aspires to act according to her wishes since this attitude opaques his personality by making him look like a pushover. To shine, you should feel comfortable with who you are. It is very attractive to women that the man is not afraid to be himself at all times.
5. To buy presents for no particular reason.
Many men think it is a great detail giving the girl they pretend a gift every time they see her. This is a bad idea, because with this attitude you are showing excessive interest and is interpreted by her as an attempted manipulation, like saying you're too weak and insecure and you feel unable to conquer her so you're trying to buy her love through gifts.
Gifts are for couples who have a consolidated relationship for a long time, even if gifts can be seen as a nice gesture, the subliminal message is "I want you to like me, so I'll give you this gift." Bad idea.
These are the 5 biggest mistakes most men make when they are starting a relationship with women. Avoid falling into these errors and vastly increase your chances of success with them.
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