CreatiingCardsIn10Minutes! #lilcraftynook
Hello again, crafty friends!! In this video, I am finishing up the last few details o the card fronts and starting on some Nuvo Drop decorating!!
Watch next – Pool Party Cards Pt 3 https://youtu.be/gTxxniuvqPI
Subscribe so you don't miss out on more card crafting fun!!: https://www.youtube.com/user/musicaligirl58?sub_confirmation=1
If you find value in this video, please share with a friend: https://youtu.be/XGC1j4gCwyU
See Alicia's video to get the Printable here: https://bit.ly/SLOCAug2021
NEWS!! I have merchandise now! https://teespring.com/keep-calm-and-craft-on. Cute white shirts with pink flowers, coffee cups and tote bags!!
I am a Share A Sale affiliate marketer. If you purchase anything using my links, you will not be charged anything extra but I will receive a small commission. The individual company's links are listed below. Also, if you are interested in trying affiliate marketing, the Share A Sale link is there also!! Thank you!!
Scrapbook.com. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=33086&u=2209108&m=7429&urllink=&afftrack=
American Tombow. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=913105&u=2209108&m=67805&urllink=&afftrack=
Hero Arts. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=855179&u=2209108&m=65361&urllink=&afftrack=
Dollar Tree. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=845001&u=2209108&m=64888&urllink=&afftrack=
Gina K. Designs. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=813537&u=2209108&m=63125&urllink=&afftrack=
Spellbinders. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=981584&u=2209108&m=70661&urllink=&afftrack=
Sunny Studios. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1051456&u=2209108&m=73685&urllink=&afftrack=
Elizabeth Crafts. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=567048&u=2209108&m=51737&urllink=&afftrack=
NEWS!! I have merchandise now! https://teespring.com/keep-calm-and-craft-on. Cute white shirts with pink flowers, coffee cups and tote bags!!
My Day to Day:
Ben Azadi Keto Kamp. 14 day free trial. https://kka.mykajabi.com/a/18964/J5suv3Jc
To create my videos:
I use Epidemic Sound for all my music, royalty free! Check them out here! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/7z1uea/
I use Tubebuddy to keep me informed on all things Youtube and help grow my channel. Check them out here! https://www.tubebuddy.com/LilCraftyNook
Let’s connect:
Instagram – lilcraftynook58
Facebook business page --Lil Crafty Nook
Thank you for your time!! Keep calm and craft on!!