Don't Waste Your LIFE! So many take life for granted. Instead of realizing you have to take the opportunity to live it the best way you know how. Life is beautiful. No matter what you are facing, life is still good. Every day is a new day and it is a new opportunity. Don't waste it. Powerful new motivational speech and our latest release with Coach Pain.
"I am honored to share my story with you so that you can see the path that brought me to where I am today. You see, I believe that it is through difficult situations and great pain that the human spirit grows and character is developed. And my story is a testament to this. I started in the fitness industry when I was only 18 years old, and I knew that it was where I belonged. I had always been into fitness and enjoyed being active through my whole childhood. I was involved in Martial Arts, Wrestling and Football throughout high school and was generally a very physical person. I have been in the field for 26+ years and plan to stay here for many more. While I always enjoyed my work and was successful with it, I was not as passionate then as I am now. The passion didn’t come until much later. The passion came through the most painful loss I have ever experienced…"PRINCIPLE OF MOTIVATION
God’s Passion for His Glory
The Pleasures of God
Desiring God
The Dangerous Duty of Delight
Future Grace
A Hunger for God
Let the Nations Be Glad!
A Godward Life
Pierced by the Word
Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ
The Legacy of Sovereign Joy
The Hidden Smile of God
The Roots of Endurance
The Misery of Job and the Mercy of God
The Innkeeper
The Prodigal’s Sister
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
What’s the Difference?
The Justification of God
Counted Righteous in Christ
Brothers, We Are Not Professionals
The Supremacy of God in Preaching
Beyond the Bounds
Don’t Waste Your Life
The Passion of Jesus Christ
Life as a Vapor
A God-Entranced Vision of All Things
When I Don’t Desire God
Sex and the Supremacy of Christ
Taste and See
Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die
God Is the Gospel
Contending for Our All
What Jesus Demands from the World
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