Today is Ellie's hair appointment and she wanted to get her hair cut and colored. I will say this has been an ongoing discussion in our house that Me and Mark felt she shouldn't color her hair and she should not get bangs like her sister. I get it i do wanting something different and wanting to try new things but you will see the attitude I get from her because I allowed her to do it. After saying no for so long sometimes we just have to let them learn the hard way for them to understand that us parents do sometimes know what is best.
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We are a loving family that is on the journey of our lives and chose to share with you on the daily! We live in the wonderful state of Florida and love every minute of it. We have had our fair share of life challenges, that is for sure – but you guys help us through it all! We will share our daily adventures, full of shopping videos, hauls, challenges, DIYs and more. Emma is an All-Star Cheerleader and Ellie is soon to become a professional soccer player!
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