People are always asking to go out mushroom hunting with me. I don't have the time to go out with everyone who asks, but I can take you along and show you the forest floor through my eyes. Here I cover some of the cool fungi found in the mixed hardwood and conifer forests of Cape Ann.
A couple of notable highlights along the way:
~10 minutes: I find a big exciting Tubifera Slime Mold and take photos.
~16 minutes: I do ASMR slicing of an Earthball/Pigskin Puffball.
~25 minutes: I show off a beautiful iridescent tiger eye Coltricia.
~45 minutes: I find and cut a Lactifluus volemus that makes all sorts of mushroom milk leak all over.
~55 minutes I give you guys a full tour of what’s in my basket from the hike!
Hope you guys enjoy this one, sorry if the video and sound quality are wonky, it’s hard to get the production quality I want while out in the woods 🤷♂️
#mushroomeducation #livehiking #fascinatedbyfungi #mushroomidentification #massachusettsnature