How do you actually start homeschooling? If you are in the state of California, check out this video on your schooling options.
Remember that laws are constantly changing and I highly advise that you check with your local State Department of Education for the latest rules and regulations. You can also check out HSLDA https://hslda.org/ for your homeschooling rights in all 50 states.
When it comes to homeschooling, there's the legal how to and then the practical how to. The legal part is straight forward, but please be sure you do it correctly as truancy is against the law and we don't want to risk losing our children to PCS or incurring other issues because we illegally pull or keep our children from school.
Once you know the laws, you'll know which options you have and that can help direct your curriculum choices. If you are confused about which choices to start with, I like recommending a boxed curriculum. They can be quite pricey, but the perk is that you get all your books for all subjects in one curriculum which makes it easier for families just starting out. I like Oak Meadow curriculum for this reason. I feel it's a great option for boxed curriculum that is secular and easily accessible. For Waldorf, I like the Live Education curriculum. Even if you don't stick with a boxed curriculum for the long run, it's a nice place to start.
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