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Hello friends, this video can resonate not just with Kpop fans or BTS fans but also everyone else. Because this South Korean music genre of Kpop has a very secretive dark side! And these dark secrets and disturbing facts about Kpop might surely trouble you. So watch this video at your own risk! Today Kpop that is worldwide famous, is, in reality, a very strictly controlled industry. Nearly everything about the Kpop stars is kept highly regulated, from their weight to their dating lives to where they live, whom they meet, etc, everything is strictly controlled by their managers. And mind you, almost 90% of their earnings go straight to the manager's pocket and your favourite stars are left with just 10% of their earnings! They are freaking made to sign a slave contract with the company that trains them to become the next Kpop star. In fact, many famous Kpop stars such as Kim Jong-hyun, U;nee, Choi-Jin young, Cha In-ha, and Sulli attempted suicide to get away from the harsh reality and treatment of the Kpop industry! Now, the main question here is- What about our favourite BTS group? Are they also exposed to this dark side of the Kpop industry? Let’s take a look at some dark and disturbing things you never knew about K-pop in our today's video. This video has an incredibly powerful message. Hope you support and share it!
#Kpop #BTS #KpopDarkSecrets #KpopFans #SouthKorea #Getsetfly
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