Mike Lindell claims that he was attacked by antifa in his hotel room at a 72-hour cybersecurity symposium. The symposium took place via Zoom where much of the discourse surrounded the validity of the 2020 election. One of the biggest highlights was the false theory of China interfering in the election, which supposedly led to Trump’s loss. Lindell insisted that the government was behind the delay and technical difficulties. Lindell offered a 66% off MyPillow to viewers or at least those who were able to connect to the private meeting. The Majority Report crew discusses.
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Emma Vigeland: Mike Lindell his 72-hour cyber symposium is coming to a close and of course, I wish I had the soundboard, of course, this brings many emotions when things and it's hard sometimes for people to deal with them. And thus, Mike Lindell cried on stage about his symposium and made some dubious claims.
Mike Lindell: I last night when I got to the hotel I was attacked and Phil here we're going to talk about where we're going today in light of this. So colonel go ahead.
Phil: In addition to the red team um we started receiving credible threat warnings about two weeks ago. So we've had a close team is what we call somebody's working in the crowd and detecting threats.
Emma: I guess and the claim is that Mike Lindell feels he was attacked by Antifa in his hotel room.
But what was the nature of that attack was the actual Antifa people in his hotel room?
Emma Vigeland: He's still alive so I don't see a real scratch on him.
Matt Binder: It's it's unclear because the Antifa attack was believed to be like they were prepared for an Antifa attack at the cyber symposium location in South Dakota. Where they've been holding this three-day tech event where they claim they were about to unveil all this data showing that the election was hacked by China and Trump is the rightful winner. This is now day three today, but the Antifa never showed up.