Officer Deinhammer noticed my car was parked for 8 Hours in Ely, Minnesota

Officer Deinhammer noticed my car was parked for 8 Hours in Ely, Minnesota

1. He stopped at my car at Whiteside Park after 2:30pm, which would be a claim that my car started the park at 6:30am. I pulled into this spot after 7am because I didn't move there until after the Ely Northland Market
grocery store opened at 7am on Sunday. I have a receipt from the grocery store Clerk for the time of purchase, which shows 8:30am.

2. I had my grey Ford Focus 2004 windows covered with pet net screen. I had 4 walking sticks laying on top of my car and two square wood pieces, about 6 inch by 6 inch. However, those 2 wood pieces were knocked off the roof by a big gust of wind and were laying on the ground, making my park job look a little more trashy. Those wood pieces fell off 5 minutes before the officer drove by.

3. Deinhammer drove past my car about 40 feet then turned around and stopped. He was not called by anyone, instead he was using a proactive approach by predicting that I might be in violation in the future.

4. Camping has a loose definition and cops, like Deinhammer, are stretching it for cars parked for 8 hours or longer. Is it a parking citation issue? Is it a criminal violation? He's attacking my car to get to me. what if I was not at my car when he stopped? Would he have issued me a written warning and put the warning on my windshields wiper blade?

5. Ely police on Facebook: He was just trying to give me a friendly warning, just Seaside, Oregon did here 6 years ago:

6. Subscribers at time: 29,944. Thank you for subscribing. I'm not trying to upload videos to this channel, but things keep happening. I would be happy to never having to upload another video here again. Can that be possible?


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