Pred Gives delivery location to 14 y/o girl! Boss offers to help me catch PREDS!

Pred Gives delivery location to 14 y/o girl! Boss offers to help me catch PREDS!

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This young man Tries soooo hard to deny and and deny and deny even after I read the conversation off his phone. He basically Invited this kid to his next delivery destination of a customers house. Said go to the school across! And I mean within Seconds before meeting he started getting detailed with what he wants to do with this 14 y/o girl. He calls the boss. The boss offers to help me lol! Amazing man God bless him! Love my Russians!

Parents/brothers/sisters /uncles.. This is your perfect example of a young pred. Who will do anything to meet a KID. Even during delivering food at work!

God bless everyone and stay safe!

Predator poachersCc unitColorado predator poachers

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