The Hope One show is back and the topic is going to be great for our science lovers out there. God is the author of all science, so why not use it to prove His existence? Join us as Frank shows you how!
0:00 – Intro
4:55 - What’s the easiest way to prove God exists?
31:05 – What archaeological evidence can we use to show unbelievers that the Jewish people were in Egypt for 400 years?
33:20 – Are you an old or young-earth creationist?
34:50 – How do we know if someone’s research is reliable?
38:29 – How can I help my brother who rejects the idea of God.
40:50 – How can we point people to salvation with urgency, while also being comforting as the world get’s worse?
46:15 – If God knows all and created all things why did He regret making them?
51:10 – Couldn’t morality just be the result of an evolutionary process?
56:45 – Is all sin equal?
59:00 – How do I help other Christians take more interest in apologetics?
1:02:30 – Why does the absence of the last 12 verses in Mark not pose a problem to the other three gospels since Mark was written first.
1:04:55 – How do I help my agnostic friend?
1:15:35 – What do you think about the argument that God has different “wills”?
1:21:45 – What brings us hope in this life?