In the 1971 NFL offseason, San Diego Chargers quarterback John Hadl nearly died while going horseback riding; if it wasn't for the quick thinking of a teammate saving him from near-certain death, he would've been dead. Somehow, Hadl came back later that year and not only played at a high level, but led the league in passing yards and passing touchdowns. This is the story behind the unbelievable, forgotten comeback of John Hadl
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John Hadl played for the following Chargers teams:
1962 Chargers
1963 Chargers
1964 Chargers
1965 Chargers
1966 Chargers
1967 Chargers
1968 Chargers
1969 Chargers
1970 Chargers
1971 Chargers
1972 Chargers
Members of the 1971 Chargers:
Marty Domres
Mike Garrett
John Hadl
Mike Montgomery
Bob Howard
Jerry LeVias
Gary Garrison
Chuck Dicus
Dennis Partee
Bryant Salter
Billy Parks
Chuck Detweiler
Eddie Ray
Leon Burns
Jim Hill
Joe Beauchamp
Jim Tolbert
Chris Fletcher
Jeff Queen
Ray White
Mel Rogers
Carl Mauck
Bob Bruggers
Jack Porter
Harris Jones
Pete Barnes
Bob Babich
Doug Wilkerson
Sam Gruneisen
Rick Redman
Ira Gordon
Russ Washington
Lee Thomas
Gary Nowak
Terry Owens
Ron East
Walt Sweeney
Andy Rice
Kevin Hardy
Jeff Staggs
Steve DeLong
Walker Gillette
John Tanner
Wes Grant
Tom Williams
Pettis Norman
Art Strozier
Sid Gillman (coach)