To be with Christ which is far better! | Philippians 1:21-23

To be with Christ which is far better! | Philippians 1:21-23

Date: 11/08/2021
Philippians 1:21-23

▶▶ To be with Christ which is far better

Open Bible Baptist Church is a King James Bible believing church in Sydney Australia. We still sing the old fashioned hymns and having preaching from the Bible!


Our church began in Sydney in 2001 after a group of saved Bible believing baptists came together and desired to have a church that truly believed and taught the King James 1611 Bible (AV1611) is the word of God. They grew weary and tired of being in churches that just used the KJV and claimed they believed it only to have the pastors and teachers claim later that it had errors and contradictions.

The group then sought out a pastor and meeting place. In a short time God provided both! The group contacted and visited Pastor John Wheat in Queanbeyan NSW who believed the Bible and had started a Bible believing Baptist church there. After this group of believers shared their heart and vision God called Pastor John Wheat to Sydney to help establish the church there. Pastor Wheat turned the church in Queanbeyan over to a young man he had trained in the ministry and moved to Sydney to found Open Bible Baptist Church.


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