The truth is this is not the first time I have heard BWs say that Black men would be better off in a coffin. Matter of fact is they’re our mothers, wives, daughters, aunts, grandmothers, girlfriends and Random Black Women treat us like this so there was no need for them to say anything. For decades Black Men have remained silent. But deep down we know that There is a certain degree of hate that BWs have for Black men. Every-time you here a BW tell a Black men that he “hates BWs” recognize she is projecting. The truth is most Black men adore their mothers and Black Women. But most Black Women hate Black men. You don’t have to believe me bro listen for yourself. SYSBM.
I. The source of the hate: her dissatisfaction and disappointment at not being the choice of the Alpha Male of the environment.
- hate and distain for the lesser males
- fathers, boyfriend’s husbands sons
A. Most women aren’t; so why does she think she is special?
- the same thing that makes you great makes you hate
B. Addressing the hubris, arrogance and vanity
- the Devil’s transgression
C. The feelings of entitlement among The melaninate ladies
- the darker the hue the deeper the entitlement
- it drove our great civilizations
D. Being forced to accept her social position
- she would rather die and destroy her offspring than do so
E. Instead of calling it out they rather project that hate.
1. Black men and the love for their mothers.
- it is impossible for BM to hate BWs or not forgive BWs
2. BWs (and BMs) are taught to hate their fathers and to constantly look for shortcomings to think lesser of him.
- both BWs and BMs hate Black men, that’s why it’s easy disrespect kill (talk about killing in song) BM.
F. How do we protect our son’s and ourselves
1. Citing Nelly Fuller (productivity only) other than that Flee (from social gatherings) that is where it is reinforced.
2. Dilute the culture like you would and other deadly toxin.
3. The importance of SYSBM to Black men
- do you want someone who harbors hate or resentment towards you raising your sons and daughters and instilling that in them?
E. The solution
1. Devine origin of BWs the first woman mother of civilization has fallen to her children
- instead of setting an example of grace chooses to be haughty
- like the embracing mother that has been shunned by her children but forces her way into their lives. Entitlement issues
- Humble yourself
- recognize you are not God
- fall in your position in society and work from there.
F. Likely out come
- true target of WSR
- the alienation of BM your last line of defense: no one is coming to protect you
- Miscegenation and re-gentrification the blender of multiculturalism
- a deteriorating and dying culture, the women and their moral decay
- breaking apart consumed and disappearing.
My advice to that 20% of BWs that love and respect BM.
- a pleasant upbeat Black girl with a great attitude can win in this environment. Add Cooking cleaning and physically fit and she is a jewel.