This short video is a brief answer to the famously asked question. Why do you dress differently?
Simple put because God wants me to glorify him even with my body ( 1 Corinthians 10:20). He has also given instruction on how I can do that in my appearance too. In the book first Timothy 1:9 gives a instruction on how a godly woman should dress in character and clothing. The term modest in the text in Greek reads Koismios, meaning: well arranged; well ordered, harmoniously arranged. Apparel on the other and the other and is the compound word Kata_stole. Kata meaning; a lowering, letting down and stole; a long loose garment.
Therefore with the understanding these two terminologies we understand that women are instructed to wear modest long dresses (Koismios Katastole). Thus this Koisoms Katastole not only specifies that the article of dress should be a dress, but also specifies the dress should be of a suitable length.