In this video we will see, why FYERS is the best for Option traders.
According to SEBI guidelines
The position limits of trading members ie the stockbroker in equity index option contracts is higher of Rs.500 crores or 15% of the total open interest in the market in equity index option contracts.
Those stockbrokers who do proprietary trading will hit the 15% OI faster comparing to other stockbrokers.
To put it in simple words, what this regulation means is that once the index option OI limit of a stockbroker is breached, they can no longer allow their clients to create new positions in index options. Hence, as the OI limit approaches towards the threshold, a trading member could restrict its clients from creating positions outside certain strikes.
FYERS gives us a range of 20% above the current strike price for index and 10% away from the strike price for equity.
Few stockbrokers are restricting to buy OTM strike price for delivery.
To learn about options, click the link below:
To learn about option strategies, click the link below:
If you want to open a demat account with FYERS. Click the link given below:
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