This dairy farm is located at Karisal Patti, Tirunelveli Dist, Tamilnadu, India
Dr. A. Jetson
Karisal Patti (Post)
Cheranmahadevi (Via)
Tirunelveli (Dist) 627414
Mobile : +91-7092850213
Is dairy farm profitable? : Lakh per Month through Dairy Farming when we sell to direct customers.
How many cows do you need to start a dairy farm? : Under Indian condition a commercial dairy farm should consist of minimum 20 animals (10 cows, 10 buffaloes) this strength can easily go up to 100 animals in proportion of 50:50 or 40:60
How much land is required for dairy farm? : works out to be about 1200 sq. ft. per animal for a dairy unit of 20 animals. The land required is reduced to about 500 sq ft per animal if the herd strength is increased to 50 animals as the area required for the milk room, roads and alleys, chaff cutter shed, office, implements room does not increase proportionately.
South india biggest milk production : This dairy farm running with about 50 cows with high yield milk