Affiliate link to know which one to avoid: https://amzn.to/3jBw0ue
Does off-grid solar confuse you? Check out my DIY friendly website for solar system blueprints, recommended components and much more! http://www.mobile-solarpower.com/
Join our DIY solar community! #1 largest solar forum on the internet for beginners and professionals alike: https://www.diysolarforum.com
Check out my international best-selling 12V off-grid solar book (Amazon affiliate link):
Coupon codes and solar distributors I recommend:
-Rich Solar: No coupon code needed here because they have the lowest prices around. High quality solar panels and solar generators: https://richsolar.com/?ref=h-cvbzfahsek
-Renogy.com Megasite! They have everything you need to build any size system (https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1577865&u=760144&m=96785&urllink=&afftrack=)
10% off code: WillProwse
-Batteryhookup.com (https://bit.ly/2mIxSqt)
10% off code: diysolar
-Watts 24/7: Best deals on all-in-one solar power systems, with customer support and distribution here in the USA: https://watts247.com/?wpam_id=3
My solar equipment recommendations (Constantly updated unlike my videos! Check here first):
Solar Panels: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/solar-panels.html
Beginner Friendly Lithium Batteries: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/lithium-batteries.html
DIY LiFePO4 Batteries: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/design-your-own-12v-lifepo4-system.html
LiFePO4 Battery Cells: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/raw-lifepo4-deals-page.html
LiFePO4 BMS: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/raw-lifepo4-deals-page-676969.html
Inverters: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/inverters.html
LiFePO4 Battery Chargers: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/battery-chargers.html
Solar Charge Controllers: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/solar-charge-controllers.html
Solar Panel Mounting Guide: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/solar-panel-mounts.html
Fuses: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/fuses.html
Battery Monitors: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/battery-monitors.html
Favorite Tools: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/tools.html
12V fridges: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/12v-fridges.html
-DIY Solar System Packages-
Plug and Play Systems: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/full-size-systems.html
400W Starter System: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/the-classic-400-watt-rvs-vans-buses.html
400W Starter System w/ Alternator Charging: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/simplified-400-watt-fewer-wires-and-alternator-charging.html
800W System: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/the-off-grid-king-power-anything.html
DIY LiFePO4 System Design: https://www.mobile-solarpower.com/design-your-own-12v-lifepo4-system.html
Contact Information:
I am NOT available for personal solar system consult! No exceptions! All emails asking me to design or help with building your system will be deleted. If you are a business or youtuber and wish to contact me, this is my direct email: williamprowsediysolar@gmail.com
Join the forum at https://diysolarforum.com/ if you wish to hang out with myself and others and talk about solar
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Every video includes some form of paid promotion or sponsorship. Links in description are affiliate links. My videos are for educational purpose only. Information is subject to change/update at anytime. Electricity is DANGEROUS and can kill. Be smart and use common sense :)
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Some links on this youtube channel may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these.