8 benefits of coffee you may not have heard of

8 benefits of coffee you may not have heard of

Hey fellow coffee, welcome back. We made another work. How did it go this week? Was it a good work week or a bad week? Ready to unwind and relax for a few. Tell me, who got on your last nerve this week? Was it a boss, a coworker, or the morning traffic? Did you have a great week? You were off and on vacation or caught up on some me-time. Let's get started. Are you in that relaxing zone? You know your quiet place. Take a deep breath of the fresh brew through the nose and exhale through the mouth. One more time, breathe in the fresh aroma and exhale through the mouth. I felt that awww from your on the last exhale. Studies show that freshly brewed coffee can wake you up. I did my test was as my wife set a cup of fresh coffee on my nightstand while I was sleeping one morning. It diffidently worked on me. That leads into this podcast topic which is eight benefits of coffee that you probably never heard about.
The first one is the mood. Depression was lowered by 20 % in women who drank 4 cups a day. Does it help set the mood for you at the beginning of the day? To me, coffee has a calming effect. Studies have shown that coffee releases serotonin and dopamine. These are chemicals the brain release to help set the mood and a feel-good sensation. How does it make you feel? I bet it sets the mood for you and enables you to get your day started.
Another benefit I bet you didn't know is coffee helps with headaches. Caffeine ads in pain relief. I didn't see this one either. Are you going to remember this one next time you have a headache? Did you know that pain relievers such as Anacin and Excedrin have as much caffeine as a cup of coffee? I'm going to try this out myself. I probably will forget this on my next headache. Would you mind telling me the next time you get a headache if coffee worked for you?
The third and surprising benefit is that coffee can help you lose weight. Caffeine is found in most fat-burning supplements. Coffee Studies have shown it can increase fat burning by as much as 10%. From now on, I'm going to start my workouts with a cup of coffee. Every little bit helps, right. It's like a natural energy drink without the sugar and fake sweeteners. I drink coffee with a teaspoon of butter every day before a workout. Try it out for yourself and see if it works for you. In these studies, I want to mention that the right amount of coffee was used, right at 3 to 4 cups per day.
The fourth benefit is the large number of antioxidants coffee provides. They fight and protect you from free radicals in your body.
Benefit number five is that coffee can help protect your brain. Studies have also soon that coffee enables you to focus and stay alert.
Also, high caffeine in your blood reduces Alzheimer's disease and lowers the risk of dementia.
Coffee may help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes by reducing your insulin sensitivity and help with glucose tolerance.
It also has been found to help lower your risk of strokes.
Coffee helps reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease.
Certain types of cancers have shown reductions with 4 cups of coffee per day—cancers such as prostate in men, endometrial cancer in women, and even some skin cancers. Now I'm not saying this is a cure, but it may help reduce these cancer types.
Now all these studies were done with individuals drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day. Too much coffee can be toxic and have a negative effect. I'm am not making any medical cures, just sharing info that I have found.


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