#CAT #MBA #CkStrategy
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Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380,
Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791,
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Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232.
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Ck Cetking Best coaching classes In Mumbai Pune Maharashtra:
Thane – 09930028086, Vashi – 09820377380,
Dadar – 09167917984, Andheri – 09833579791,
Borivali – 082919 84030, Pune – 09167690141,
Nashik – 08796489499, Nagpur - 7045725232.
Online Programs: Call 09594938931, 07045094141
Telegram links:
Engg Target IIMs
Non Engg Target IIMs
Reserved Category Target IIMs
The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a computer based test for admission in a graduate management program. The test scores a candidate on the bases of Quantitative Ability (QA), Verbal Ability (VA) and Reading Comprehension (RC), Data Interpretation (DI) and Logical Reasoning (LR).
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CAT 2021: Number of questions to decrease across sections
The question paper pattern is being changed to allow adequate time for
the candidates to complete the examination
Astha Hemant @timesgroup.com
ast year, Covid-19 had La necessitated certain changes to the Com mon Admissions Test (CAT) exam format, which will be continued this year as well. The only change this year is the reduction in the number of questions across sec tions, which is aimed to help the candidates with adequ ate time to complete the ex amination.
MP Ram Mohan, conve nor, CAT 2021, says, "Last year's CAT format changes were necessitated due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Sin ce we are witnessing the same pandemic issue this de, for CAT 2021, we have year as well, the CAT 2021 reduced the number of qu- exam format will largely re main the same."
estions across all three sec- tions, including Quantitati- He adds that the CAT ve Ability (QA), Verbal Abi- committee did not receive lity and Reading Compre- any complaints from the hension (VARC), and Data candidates while holding Interpretation and Logical CAT 2020 that followed the Reasoning (DA)," says the new format. "However, convenor. dents to complete the exam on account of changes ma
considering that even last "We hope that this will year, there could have been ensure that candidates get time pressure on the stu- adequate time to complete the exam," adds Mohan.
The Indian Institute of
Management (IIM), Ahmed- abad, is scheduled to conduct the Common Admissions Test (CAT) 2021 in Novem- ber. Mohan says that CAT 2021 is being conducted kee- ping in mind the health risk factors that have not comple- tely vanished. "Changes that were made for CAT 2020 will remain the same for CAT 2021 as well. This means that the test will be of two hours duration instead of the tradi tional three hours, and we
These changes will en sure that CAT is conducted in all its seriousness. "All Covid related norms, such as social distancing will be followed at all exam centres. The CAT Committee will make all efforts to ensure sa fety for students and offici als while carrying out the exams," says Mohan.
will have three sessions on the same day," says the facul ty in Business Policy Area at IIM Ahmedabad.