Hello, i'm your host, topher. i'm thankful and humbled you've given me your time. i'll do my best not to waste it.
i'm someone who's more willing to list my faults than my talents, more able to remember failures than successes, more focused on humiliations than trophies. But lately i've been cutting myself a little slack and tried to remember that it's not just okay to reflect upon accomplishments, it's beneficial.
A lesson i've gained from this mindset is the value of just showing up. Woody Allen is credited with saying, "80% of success is just showing up." It's a foolproof plan to set a domino effect in motion and integral to success.
One more thing, how'd you like our new opening theme? Another track composed by my nephew Lavonte Sullivan. You can find him on Instagram as @SickLavonte. Go back to the beginning of this video and listen to it a few more times. You'll be glad you did. We haven't decided on a name for it yet. Maybe ya'll can help me with that?
Don't forget to check out my other channel, "The Blue Collar Gentleman" and while you're here let me know your thoughts in the comments. i'd love it if you'd like, subscribe,
Only by taking care of ourselves first are we capable of taking care of others,
#justshowingup #showingup #fat50andrunningamarathon #fitness #exercise #diet #nutrition #health #sicklavonte