Lauren Boebert's Reelection Chances Are Going Down The Drain

Lauren Boebert's Reelection Chances Are Going Down The Drain

First-term Republican Representative Lauren Boebert might go down as a one-and-done member of Congress thanks to the redistricting happening in her state. Under the new district plans, Boebert will be placed squarely in a Democratic district, and coupled with her increasingly unpopular behavior, this could mean the end of her career. And while this is good news, we have to remember that there is more bad news around the corner, as Farron Cousins explains. 

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Freshmen Republican representative Lauren Boebert its time in Congress might already be coming to an end. And even though she's only not even halfway actually through her first term in office, a lot of us, myself included already feel like that's probably a little too much time for her, but let's not forget that ahead of the 2022 midterm states across the country are involved in redistricting. And according to a new proposed map for the state of Colorado put together by a bipartisan committee, actually it's a non party and committee.

Um, Boebert getting

Redistricted into a Democrat heavy district, which likely means her days in Congress are over

After next year's midterm elections.

So let's look at the facts here. Not only is she essentially having her district absorbed into a Democrat heavy district based on where she lives. If she wants to run in a more swingy district, I guess you would say not that kind of swing. She would have to move her family basically to the other side of the city. That's no small feat, especially, you know, clock's ticking here, but even aside from the redistricting, she was already facing very serious trouble with her reelection. First and foremost, she's hugely unpopular and not because of the scandals, right? The public actually doesn't care as much about those. I will get to those in a moment, but what the public isn't happy about is the fact that she's not doing a thing for them. You'll Politico reported over the summer. And we talked about it. The fact that even swing voters in the district are saying, listen, she campaigned on all these issues was going to go to DC, was going to take care of these things, deliver things for us.

And none of it ever materialized, she didn't keep any over promises. Things are not better for us. Why would we want to give her another two years in office? And then of course you do have the scandals. I mean, she's under investigation right now because of her campaign spending and allegedly driving so much, so much through the state of Colorado, that if she were going in a straight line, she would have made it one and a half times around planet earth. That's that's how many miles she reimbursed herself for, for just campaigning for one district. Okay. It's not even like she was running for, for Senate where you had to get votes across the whole state. Nope. You just needed one tiny little district that you could literally drive back and forth in an abandoned our actually not even that. So anyway, yeah, she's got some problems then of course, as we've discussed, there's all the problems of the, the unreported money that was then added to it. But it was still going from one business to the other family business back and forth kind of, you know, weird to say the least, yeah, she's got some problems, but of course the biggest problem now is that her district is disappearing and it's getting reabsorbed into two separate districts and she is going

To be into the Democrat heavy one. So this is a good thing and it should

Be celebrated because Lauren Bovert is a dangerous extremist. That should not be in Congress.

Now here's the part

Where the celebration comes to an early stop while we celebrate this, you know, basically redistricting, most likely kicking Lauren Bovert out of the house of representatives. We have to remember that Republicans Republican controlled legislature are going to be redrawing twice as many districts as Democrat controlled legislature. So yeah, Lauren Bovert might be redistricted out of existence.

So could dozens of Democrats across the country. So, you know, take the good with the bad because for every Beaufort we lose, we can end up losing five or six Democrats,

Thanks to Republican gerrymandering.

So while

We celebrate one victory, we have to remember that Republicans are not going to take that lying down and there will

Be repercussions for the democratic party.

Farron CousinsNewsPolitics

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