The Swedish House of Finance annual conference on “Money Markets in a New Era of Central Bank Policies” on August 23-25, 2021, in Stockholm
"Designing a Crisis Liquidity Facility with Nonbank Counterparties: Lessons from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility"
Ralf R Meisenzahl (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago), Discussant: Jean-David Sigaux (ECB)
"Do Non-Banks Need Access to the Lender of Last Resort? Evidence from Mutual Fund Runs"
Marie Hoerova (ECB and CEPR), Discussant: Kairong Xiao (Columbia Business School)
"Systemic Risk and Monetary Policy: The Haircut Gap Channel of the Lender of Last Resort"
Martina Jasova (Columbia University), Discussant: Kjell Nyborg (University of Zurich)
"Liquidity Restrictions, Runs, and Central Bank Interventions: Evidence from Money Market Funds"
Yi Li (Federal Reserve Board), Discussant: Guillaume Vuillemey (HEC)
"Safe Assets and Financial Fragility: Theory and Evidence"
Toni Ahnert (Bank of Canada and CEPR) and Marco Macchiavelli (Federal Reserve Board), Discussant: David Andolfatto (Federal Reserve Bank)