Morning Music for Positive Energy ,Raise Your Vibration, Morning Meditation Music For You,
🙏 Namaste,
Prosperity Tune-Up is a YouTube channel which serves you the best meditation, healing, relaxing and sleep music. This music is composed with different kinds of instrument blending with 432 Hz, 528 Hz solfeggio frequencies. This channel was created in 8th April 2021 with an aim of providing digital space for those who are going through stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression. This music are composed with beautiful piano, flute melody, soothing pads, relaxing bells and many more. They include relaxing ans calming music that will help you to relief stress. Or relief yourself from negative feelings like anxiety and help to enhance positive energy in you. It can also give your meditation techniques a boost if you use this type of soothing music as you meditate during the dayor when you have time. It can also have healing capacity where you will learn how to find inner peace and heal yourself within with the capability of this beautiful music. This music combined with soothing pads and melody helps people overcome their stress and anxiety. Here, you have professional music production and recording software in order to provide you the best audio quality and audio experience. Most of the music in this channel is composed with the combination of soothing pads with piano, flute and bell with the sound of nature just for You. I hope to create and present more relaxing and meditative music in the future. Thank you and have a great time.
🔴 Welcome, friends, on my channel💰💰💰 Prosperity Tune-Up!
Meditation & Relaxation,
Prosperity and Wellness!- New Musical Way to Achieve Success= Together!
I am a girl,my vocation is to heal the World,to Raise it to Higher Vibrations.I‘m following the Voice of my Heart and Soul.How ? I create videos for helping people feel better,More happy, More relaxing, More Successful..If You like what i am doing
and would like to promote me,then please do so through the link below.
So happy you are here with us 🙂
Blessings and Peace!!!!
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Use my relax music and yoga music for sleep meditation to bring relaxation to your body-mind ,
Attracting prosperity into our lives can be accomplished by having the right frame of mind. The truth is, our thoughts are very powerful!!
I’m sure you’ve heard : “As you think, so shall you be.”
If we want to improve our lives, we must first improve our thoughts!
Harnessing the power of thought in a positive way has the ability to create great change in our lives, including our financial well-being and prosperity.
We must first understand that being prosperous is more than having a lot of money. Prosperity is a mindset, a way of thinking and a way of interacting in our lives,
improve your Thoughts, and ultimately Attract more Prosperity into Your Life!!!!!!
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Videos licensed,audio and photos.
• Videoblocks,Pexels,Istock,Pixabay,Videoblocks,EnvatoElements,Videvo,Storyblocks music