In #Excel we have used many advanced function to bring current value. we have lots of functions available in #Microsoftexcel we can use multiple excel function to get one answer. however, sumproduct is an array function which will give result without using any second function. Microsoft excel is one office application which can analysis data and provide valuable inputs.
download link :- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jbAxLPLlImk_T2aOWlk8-pPPDg1qeyd-/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107617467035338330739&rtpof=true&sd=true
Time Stamp :
00:00 Introduction
00:23 how to apply sumproduct excel function
00:49 apply year function in sumproduct
01:28 count in sumproduct
01:58 incorporate sum function in sumproduct
02:29 sum function to match sumproduct function
02:56 populate month data from sumprouct function
03:21 calculate month value from Sumproduct function
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Power BI In Excel In hindi :- https://youtu.be/PfijkfjHyVQ
How to use Power Bi from beginner to advanced :- https://youtu.be/Efo4FSlbDL4
Power Bi में अपना काम सेव एंड रिकॉर्ड करे :- https://youtu.be/wJzXu_UUJ3s
Power bi tutorial for beginners :- https://youtu.be/1M2b8s4MvjY
Power BI dashboard :- https://youtu.be/uVT-56tNeOQ
Microsoft power bi in hindi :- https://youtu.be/kZ6WhghlV-E
Microsoft power bi course for free :- https://youtu.be/QO7RVnnFCsQ
Delete unwanted columns in power bi :- https://youtu.be/Kb5hTlY-wPk
Text to column in power bi for beginners :- https://youtu.be/nPJUQvXu85o
Power BI with New Icon in 2020 :- https://youtu.be/aZG553zp__s
Power Bi Reference option :- https://youtu.be/v3AkqXCENkc
Edit Data in power bi manually :- https://youtu.be/NkuqjjnAmsA
power bi tutorial for beginners in hindi :- https://youtu.be/WRAk1Z4sFIY
power bi dax tutorial for beginners :- https://youtu.be/vvL2N1sD34U
Power BI relationships between tables :- https://youtu.be/2hKkEqCg7Ss
Excel formula
How to use index match formula from Basic to advance :- https://youtu.be/ViQBcYTuYUg
How to make big formula in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/fRazd3EBk-w
Xlookup and Filter formula in hindi :- https://youtu.be/817Z8U2AREw
How to reduce excel file size :- https://youtu.be/M35_4TiOYz4
How to use Xlookup in excel :- https://youtu.be/hkKDM-zWZKA
xlookup formula in hindi :- https://youtu.be/hkKDM-zWZKA
array function in excel :- https://youtu.be/1BceH5sWZEo
New Xlookup with Search Mode :- https://youtu.be/9tjXVXo6xUw
Xmatch formula in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/KmFsYXRQvRM
how to use filter formula in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/4YDn2WEkUtw
Excel formulas and functions:- https://youtu.be/1GjbkV1bwL0
How to use excel unique function:- https://youtu.be/LcDJWcOEnyw
Sort formula in excel :- https://youtu.be/dPrvH3ijgPE
Pivot Table
pivot table from beginner to advanced :- https://youtu.be/1NEwwdgFvuI
Pivot table in hindi :- https://youtu.be/IDKiyf0Devk
How to use pivot table excel :- https://youtu.be/0zn7sNE5itc
Pivot table in hindi in excel :- https://youtu.be/F4llCqqM4wA
Drill Down in Pivot table excel :- https://youtu.be/XhPX9Ni9pMw
Pivot Graph in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/iXUloN0RiaA
how to use pivot table slicer :- https://youtu.be/zjtTSepL0QE
IF formula in Pivot table :- https://youtu.be/JpXTFn3n2F0
power pivot in excel :- https://youtu.be/DB3feMPUw6Q
how to link data in power pivot in hindi :- https://youtu.be/kj_p4dNcW6U
how to use power pivot in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/0W8um12jGMs
Gyan On Tube Excel