10 Things You Should Always Keep To Yourself

10 Things You Should Always Keep To Yourself

Some things are better left unsaid, so here are the things you should always keep to yourself. Try not to fall victim to the dangers of oversharing. If you share everything about yourself with others, you may say things that perhaps you shouldn’t. There’s actually nothing wrong with keeping SOME things to yourself. A lot of the time it’s actually better. And sometimes, keeping things safe can also be helpful in creating success.

Of course, if someone confides in you with confidential information, it is your duty, ethically, to keep their secrets. Beyond that however, there are several things you should always keep to yourself. From big goals to family drama, to money matters.

Mental floss, brainy dose, psych2go, topthink, Practical Psychology, Gary Vee, Tim Ferriss, Jordan Peterson, CrashCourse, Criminal Psychology, SciShow Psych, BRIGHT SIDE, Alux.com, BRAINY DOSE, The Infographics Show, Psychology Element, Practical Psychology, Dr. Todd Grande, The School of Life, Charisma on Command, MedCircle, TEDx Talks, Understood,

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