3 Steps to Write Essays Faster and Procrastinate Less (By a Published Author)

3 Steps to Write Essays Faster and Procrastinate Less (By a Published Author)

After a long hiatus, I'm back with more tips :) For anyone who is interested, I've been unable to post because of a combination of unexpected events in my personal and family life, as well as being tied up with my full-time work coaching students + completing my Master of Education.

Lots of content coming soon!

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Justin Sung is an ex-junior doctor who is passionate about creating efficient and meaningful change. He believes that a culture of spoon-feeding and tutoring is a societal issue and that most people are not making good career decisions - especially around medicine. He has worked with thousands of students for over 10 years, teaching them to manage their studies and time more efficiently using evidence-based and rigorously field-tested techniques.
Medical Podcast, SubCut: https://bit.ly/SubCutPodcast
Instagram: https://bit.ly/drjustinsung
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