Fed Up Victims Take Moto Robbers Out

Fed Up Victims Take Moto Robbers Out

Please thank Mountain Man Medical for bringing us today’s video of Fed Up Victims Take Moto Robbers Out! Find them at https://www.mountainmanmedical.com/ for comprehensive but compact trauma kits. They offer discounts for firearm instructors, teachers, veterans, and others. Check out their selection of name brand quality components today.

Please consider buying an ASP Ankle Medical Kit from Mountain Man Medical to prepare for major traumatic bleeding. All profits to ASP go to worthy charities! https://get-asp.com/aspanklekit to pick one up

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Raw video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B33neow5bHw

News story: all I have is in the raw footage, which includes commentary in Spanish

Attitude. Skills. Plan.

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(music in the outro courtesy of Bensound at http://www.bensound.com)

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