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Hundreds of demonstrators gathered for a march against the country's COVID-19 measures, as seen in Wohrder Wiese, Nuremberg on Saturday. The measures have been put in place to help stop the virus from spreading.
Participants held signs criticising Germany's 2G and 3G regulations, which require that people are either vaccinated against COVID-19 or have recently tested positive for the virus, in order to enter businesses and public spaces.
"There are a few demands, on the one hand, we are here in Nuremberg, reminding us of the Nuremberg Codex, according to which vaccinations must always be voluntary and well informed. And at the moment neither one nor the other is the case," said protester Hans Pfister.
In addition to rallying against the national COVID-19 policy, attendees also called for the recall of the Bavarian State Parliament, headed by CSU leader Markus Soder.
SOT, Tabea, Demonstrator (German): "And I stand for the fact that we can decide for ourselves, that we can decide for ourselves about our bodies, it's about gender, gays and lesbians, everyone is allowed to do everything. But people who are healthy must also be able to decide that they keep their bodies healthy and that they have a right to freedom and therefore freedom of expression."
SOT, Tabea, Demonstrator (German): "And I would go anywhere for my freedoms and for those of my son - and I fight for them to the end."
SOT, Hans Pfister, Demonstrator (German): "There are a few demands, on the one hand we are here in Nuremberg, reminding us of the Nuremberg Codex, according to which vaccinations must always be voluntary and well informed. And at the moment neither one nor the other is the case and remember that too. And we are also here in the hometown of Soder and Soder has to go. That's why people are in the streets today."
#Nuremberg #Germany #COVID19 #coronavirus
Video ID: 20211009-047
Video on Demand: https://ruptly.tv/videos/20211009-047
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