GIVE IT TO GOD | Stop Worrying & Trust God!

GIVE IT TO GOD | Stop Worrying & Trust God!

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GIVE IT TO GOD | Stop Worrying & Trust God!

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God – Phil. 4: 6-8
Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet their heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? – Matt. 6; 25-27
So do not worry…your heavenly father knows you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. – Matt. 6; 31-34
Worry is one thing every person on earth would have experienced at least once in their life. It is that fear in your heart about the future or your needs and about basic things. It can be quite crippling when you live in a constant state of worry. Today’s topic is to motivate you to stop worrying and start living.
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Worry can keep you from fully manifesting your potential, it holds you back from truly living life. I believe we can all testify to this that worrying affects your productivity and can even cause you to be sick if you dwell excessively on it. God does not want you to be anxious but wants you to trust him even for your basic needs. The scriptures we opened at the beginning of the video showed the biblical stance about worry. The bible tells you not to worry! The bible tells you to not be anxious! The bible tells you God will provide for your needs therefore you should have no need for worry. I want you to ask yourself, how many times has worry helped you find the solution to your problems? How many times has worry given you what you need? I am sure the answer is none. How does worry profit you? It does not but it only affects you negatively and stops you from moving forward.
Steps to stop worrying
The Bible already gave us the instruction to not worry. How do we obey that instruction? The following steps would help you stop worrying.
• Count your blessings and be consistently give thanks: Learn to sit back and take into account every good thing you have had happened to you, remember the ways God has been faithful to you. One key to overcoming anxiety or worry is by counting your blessings and giving thanks. When your heart is full of gratitude there is no way you would worry. One of my favorite songs is Tye Tribbett’s “if he did it before”, the chorus says “if he did it before, he will do it again, same God right now, same God back then”. This is the truth, if God has done it before, then what makes you doubt that he will do it again. If he has provided meals for you before, he will do it again. If he has blessed you with a job before, then he will do it again. If he had the ability to do it before, you should be sure that he has not lost that ability. This is why you spend time counting your blessings. In giving God thanks, you would discover that God will take care of your needs. While Jesus was teaching the 5000, his men were worried about how to feed them, they had so little food, and to the human mind that is enough reason to worry. However, rather than maintain a state of worry, Jesus took the little food that was available and gave thanks to God for it. The little food the disciples were worried about fed the 5000 and there was leftover. This is the mystery of thanksgiving. Eliminate your worries by giving thanks.
• Listen to testimonies: Learn to pay attention to testimonies. This may be the testimony session in your church, a video online, or a testimony of your friend. Listening to testimonies quickens your faith and eliminates your worries. The same God that worked miracles in your life is your God, so why should you live in worry. Take hold of that testimony and believe God to receive your own. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. That testimony can become a prophecy for your life.
• Discover God’s word for that situation: For every situation that is causing you to worry, God’s word has something to say about it. God has given us all that pertains to life and godliness through his word. What are you facing? Have you searched for what the Bible has to say about it? Begin to take time to specifically study God’s word about that thing that is making you worry. You will find out that the Bible has a lot to say about your situation if you study it with an open heart.


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