New World has TONS of little things to learn and understand. Here are some of the big things I wish I knew before hitting level cap!
Start 00:00
Repair Tips 02:23
Item Lock 03:21
Gem Restrictions 04:40
Trading Post Trick 05:29
Loot Everything 07:04
Tuning Orb Tip 08:38
1-2 Rule 09:30
Don't Be Frugal! 11:28
Iron Chef 13:05
Faction Unlocks 14:23
Find Your Weapons 15:52
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Want to know about RPGs before everyone else? I make videos that will give you inside knowledge on games coming to release along with a strong narrative experience. By subscribing to Vulkan Gaming, you become part of a tight-knit community that exchanges tips and tricks to improve your game while having a few laughs in-between.
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