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#DavidWood #IslamicLaw
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Muslim (121) narrated that ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: When Allaah put Islam in my heart, I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: “Give me your right hand so that I may swear allegiance to you.” He held out his hand and I withdrew my hand. He said, “What is the matter, O ‘Amr?” I said, “I want to stipulate a condition.” He said, “What do you want to stipulate?” I said, “That I will be forgiven.” He said, “Do you not know that Islam destroys that which came before it?”
“Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief), their past will be forgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished) before them have already preceded (as a warning)” [al-Anfaal 8:38]
When someone converts to Islam, God forgives all of his previous sins and evil deeds. A man called Amr came to the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and said, “Give me your right hand so that I may give you my pledge of loyalty.” The Prophet stretched out his right hand. Amr withdrew his hand. The Prophet said: “What has happened to you, O Amr?” He replied, “I intend to lay down a condition.” The Prophet asked: “What condition do you intend to put forward?” Amr said, “That God forgive my sins.” The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said: “Didn’t you know that converting to Islam erases all previous sins?”[1]
“The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: ‘If a person accepts Islam, such that his Islam is good, Allah will decree reward for every good deed that he did before, and every bad deed that he did before will be erased. Then after that will come the reckoning; each good deed will be rewarded ten times up to seven hundred times. And each bad deed will be recorded as it is, unless Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, forgives it.'” [Sunan an-Nasa’i]
More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3J78-MNQoYkjz6_dXkdqhQ/videos
Usul al-Fiqh Course https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnphQL61kxR7W_HBVviQZfqHCGPjZmDbY
All Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3J78-MNQoYkjz6_dXkdqhQ/playlists
We will be utilizing the methodology laid out in the video “The Qur’an Challenge,” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAPFHG8Y1mw&list=PLnphQL61kxR4-J00tS_1tFoaUD3ruceNq .
Please watch if you have not already done so.
Define our terms; agree upon terms
Make a testable prediction
We know what is true by trying to demonstrate that it is false
If A is true, then we will see B
If A is not true, then we will see C
Set up a measurement; a way to prove something false
Test your claim through data: experimentation or research
Draw conclusions or develop further questions
Share conclusions for critique