SOFT PALATE : Muscles||Functions||Nerve supply||Blood supply||

SOFT PALATE : Muscles||Functions||Nerve supply||Blood supply||

Describe the anatomy of soft palate?
Name the muscles of soft palate?
Origin, insertion and action of Tensor veli palatini muscle?
What is palatine aponeurosis?
Origin, insertion and action of Levator veli palatini muscle?
Origin, insertion and action of palatopharyngeus and palatoglossus muscles?
Name the muscle hooks around the pterygoid hamulus ?
What is the nerve supply of soft palate muscles?
Sensory and motor supply of soft palate?
Greater and lesser palatine nerves?
how does the soft palate close the pharyngeal isthmus?
What is the blood supply of soft palate?
Boundaries of tonsillar fossa?
Functions of palatoglossal muscle?
What is uvula?
Musculus uvulae muscle?
Anatomy of ENT?
Anatomy of head and neck for ENT surgeons?

Source of images:
1.Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 41st Edition.
2. Gray's anatomy for students, second south asia edition.
3. Gray's Atlas Of Anatomy 2nd Edition.
4. Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat & Head and Neck Surgery, PL Dhingra & Shruti Dhingra, 7th edition.


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soft palate anatomysoft palatesoft palate muscles

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