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Florida governor Ron DeSantis is watching his poll numbers tank at home, but his national stock continues to rise among Republicans. And that's why Donald Trump issued what could be considered a "warning" to DeSantis in an interview published today. Trump said that he has no doubt in his mind that he could beat DeSantis in a primary, which is his way of letting the governor know that he'd better not make a decision until Trump publicly makes his. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.
Link - https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-on-a-2024-primary-vs-floridas-de-santis-id-beat-him-like-i-would-beat-everyone-else-120027133.html
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
According to a new interview with Donald Trump for Yahoo news, he had some, I guess you'd call them warnings for Florida governor Ron DeSantis. See, as it stands right now, DeSantis has made it clear for the moment that he's not running for president in 2024. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has not made it clear whether or not he is or is not running and that's exactly the way Donald Trump wants it. Now he has privately said that he's made up his mind. He knows what's going to happen, but, uh, you know, waiting to feel things out till after the midterms. And of course whether he does or doesn't, that's a good way to keep the spotlight on himself so that people continue to talk about whether or not he's gonna run. But it's also his way to keep potential 2024 challengers in check and that is exactly what he did in this Yahoo news interview when he said that he has no doubt whatsoever, that he would absolutely crush Ron DeSantis in a 2024 Republican presidential primary.
Now he didn't say he would crush him, but he did say he would defeat him and, uh, he implied it would be very easy to do so. And on the surface, sure, Ron DeSantis is very beatable. But unfortunately Democrats in the state of Florida have pretty much already conceded defeat for the 2022 governor election here and DeSantis' poll numbers are tanking here at home. His policies are unpopular. But nationwide DeSantis is actually picking up steam. So even though Florida voters are a little bit sick of him at the moment and of course that will change prior to the midterms, nationwide he's doing quite well. You know, raising money from big money donors out in Colorado and Las Vegas, New York last week, he had a fundraiser and you're going to tell me that this guy is serious when he says that any presidential speculation is quote nonsense. That's what DeSantis says, it's nonsense.
Dude, you're traveling around the country raising money from people for a governor's race down here in Florida. Uh-uh, no, that doesn't sit well. And to be honest, I don't think Donald Trump would beat DeSantis in a 2024 Republican presidential primary. And that is one of the things, by the way, that makes DeSantis so scary. See, Trump doesn't have a whole lot he could attack DeSantis for. DeSantis ran for office as a Trump protege, talked about Trump in all of his ads, how he was going to be a governor that supported Donald Trump, made a, a few that he thought were cutesy with his little daughter who was two years old at the time, with building blocks. And he was telling her, build the wall, sweetie. Yeah, it was creepy as hell. But because he has modeled himself after Donald Trump, without some of the more outrageous statements that Trump has made, he doesn't have the baggage that Trump has. And because he has, you know, pretty much replicated some of his policies, Trump can't attack him on policy.
Because any attack against DeSantis that Trump would level could be leveled against Trump himself. So what would probably end up happening is that the two would end up blooding each other up, either that or DeSantis would be seen as a big wimp for refusing to go after Donald Trump.