When You Realize This Character MOST LIKELY Gets a RERUN in Version 2.3...

When You Realize This Character MOST LIKELY Gets a RERUN in Version 2.3...

This is a pure speculation and no leak what so ever.
So miHoYo back in December 2020 was released Zhongli Banner, and right after Zhongli banner, came Albedo banner which was the same element character as Zhongli which is Geo, we already know that genshin version 2.3 will be a Geo Characters specific element supremacy Banner like back in December 2020, so probably for 1 year anniversary of Albedo banner, miHoYo might be release Albedo rerun in version 2.3, this is a huge boost to an F2P Players because Albedo is an F2P Player friendly character, we can save our Freemogems or Free Primogems to something else because Albedo C0 is very powerful enough.

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