Alibaba stock (BABA or 9988:HK) dropped over 11% today on the 3Q'21 calendar earnings results. Why were investors so disappointed and is this the end for BABA shareholders? Dump or buy more? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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This video is purely for informational and educational purposes. This is NOT investment advice. You should not treat any opinion expressed by Daniel or Unrivaled Investing as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy but only as an expression of opinion. Daniel and Unrivaled Investing are not under any obligation to update or correct any information provided on this website or in these videos. Daniel and Unrivaled Investing’s statements and opinions are subject to change without notice.
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At the time of this publication, Daniel and the portfolios of a limited number of family and friends that are managed by Daniel, owned shares in Alibaba (9988:HK).