Dad Says Only His Bio Kids Will Get Inheritance To Cut me Out, Well I'm His ONLY Bio Child... AITA

Dad Says Only His Bio Kids Will Get Inheritance To Cut me Out, Well I'm His ONLY Bio Child... AITA

I (38) have been NC with my dad and 2 younger siblings for many years. My dad always treated me like crap because he was convinced that my mom cheated on him (because she did - a lot) and trapped him into an awful marriage, and that I was not biologically his.

For my 13th b-day, my dad bought me a paternity test, and even though the test results came back that I am indeed his, he accused me (or my mother) of sleeping with the test guy. lol. I have also done an ancestry DNA test and also matched with all his relatives, so I’m pretty sure that unfortunately he is my bio dad.

I have known for a long time that my younger sister was not my dad’s. When I did my ancestry dna test, my sister wanted to get one too. My mom freaked out, admitted her indiscretion and begged me to convince my sister that it was a waste of money, and that she could just have a copy of my results. I did, because I thought I was protecting her and she was going through a rough time at the time.

I recently got a notification about an ancestry DNA match. I looked it up and it looks like my brother’s ex-wife got one of the kits for both of my brothers’ kids. And lo and behold, my brother’s kids only seem to share relatives from my mom’s side. FYI, my profile uses a screenname so she would not have recognized who I was.

My brother and sister have been really horrible to me for years.

Story 1:
WIBTA for not telling my siblings about their true paternity and taking everything in my dads will?
Story 2:
AITA For not coming back home when I got 'kicked out"
Story 3:
AITA for not paying off my sister’s BMW?
Story 4:
AITA for saying my brother's girlfriend isn't welcome here because she was pushy about my wife breastfeeding?

#AITA #Inheritance #Family


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