DARKEST DUNGEON 2 - They are consuming themselves ... - [Early Access 4k EN Part 2]

DARKEST DUNGEON 2 - They are consuming themselves ... - [Early Access 4k EN Part 2]

They ... they are eating their friends? D:

Get 10% off Hunt stuff here: https://eu-shop.crytek.com/?ref=1389

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As always, feedback in the comment section is highly appreciated.

00:00:00 Intro
00:02:02 Highwayman Story
00:09:10 Plague Eaters
00:14:30 Gaunts
00:18:54 Plague Eaters
00:36:45 Gaunts
00:41:20 Cultists
00:50:20 Plague Eaters
00:53:50 The Inn

Psychoghost Gaming is a multi-gaming channel.

Uploads: If I have a time-consuming project (as for example montages) I will upload once a week, otherwise 1-3 times a week. I'm still new to YT and therefore, I'm still learning regarding recording (currently using shadow play), editing (Sony Vegas, After Effects, ...) etc.

Main focus of this channel is currently Hunt:Showdown. But I do some other games as well. Also, VR is something I try to cover with my channel.

If you like what you see you may want to subscribe and join the community!


Music used:
The Hamlet


Darkest Dungeon II is a roguelike road trip of the damned. Form a party, equip your stagecoach, and set off across a decaying landscape in a last gasp attempt to avert the apocalypse. The greatest dangers you face, however, may come from within...

psychoghostpsychoghost gamingdarkest dungeon

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