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Circular displays are here! Round screens aren’t exactly useful for productivity, but are too cool to pass buy. Today I’m breaking down a few common varieties to show you how easy it is to get them running with an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and a regular PC running Windows. All of the displays I've found are linked below.
0:00 Round Introduction
1:34 Sponsorships are how I pay rent :)
2:50 Arduino Compatible 1.28" LCD
4:26 Raspberry Pi Compatible 2.1" LCD with Touchscreen
6:00 OEM 3.4" LCD with HDMI
8:28 OEM 5" LCD with HDMI
11:30 Playing Portal 2 and Minecraft on the Round 5" Display
12:55 Circular Display Project Ideas
Amazon - Waveshare 1.28” GC9A01, IPS, SPI control, documented libraries
- Affiliate link -https://amzn.to/3DdEUWr
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Datasheet https://www.buydisplay.com/download/ic/GC9A01A.pdf
Library - https://github.com/PaintYourDragon/Adafruit_GC9A01A
CAD File - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nm-CCiv5c8NcffTo6kCKsVj9LYtb8o3Z?usp=sharing
DFRobot round - Cheapest option, SPI control, slow refresh rate, but compact
CrystalFontz - Crispy OLED, mmall, monochrome, requires IO breakout, common controller
4d systems - OEM units from Oz, integrated controller with a proprietary, but easy to use language that allows for external control by another host (Arduino libraries available), several flavors available at different price points. Most documented round display I’m aware of.
Pimoroni - Raspberry Pi ready! The st7789 chip is well documented and can also be used with microcontrollers. The Hyperpixel version is easy to use.
St7789 https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/1-3-spi-colour-round-lcd-240x240-breakout
2.1” 480x480 Hyperpixel Round https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/hyperpixel-round
I had trouble getting it to run with my setup:(Pi 4 B+ running 32-bit PiOS Oct-30 release), but it was a quick fix
In “/boot/config.txt
“dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d” had to be updated to “dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d” to work. See here:
Aliexpress - Larger OEM displays with HDMI input. You can find even more bizarre displays at these stores too, so they're worth a browse:
3.4” 800 x 800
5” 1080x1080
CAD Files - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nm-CCiv5c8NcffTo6kCKsVj9LYtb8o3Z?usp=sharing
Elliptical LCD:
Octagonal LCD:
23.6” Circular LCD