Today ~ Diamond Painting - regrets and spilling tea; Here is good news and bad news about this channel and things to come.
Support this channel:
#diamondpainting #diamondart #crafting
What do you think of my future plans? Comment beloiw.
Monthly Give-A-Ways!!! If you would like to be part of Wanda’s monthly give-a-ways, please fill in the linked Questionnaire (shared google doc folder)
and email a copy to me at wandasworkbasket@gmail.com Only those who have filled one out will be eligible to receive a gift. It’s never too late to join! Help us grow to 1,000+ subscribers by commenting on a video and recommending my channel to a friend. That will help me to create an income stream to cover postage. Thank you!
Diamond Art Club Affiliate: If you are a first-time customer, purchase via this link. It helps me out just a little for each new customer who purchases within 7 days of their first visit: Thank you!!!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for becoming part of this crafty community = WANDA'S WORKBASKET for all things creative and crafty with a little encouragement sprinkled in. I hope my videos teach, entertain, and bless you in some way. I pray we can have a positive and honest relationship and I look forward to getting to know you. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more diamond painting and crafty fun.
Free downloadable PDFs of my inventory sheets here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MoDfpOCZvD_i_AFFfOVe-Q_ef9fATCbq?usp=sharing
Inr MONTHLY DRAWINGS, you could win a diamond painting kit, a tool, and/or something from my Etsy shop. Names will be drawn on the first Sunday of each month and announced via video and FaceBook the next day. Since I will already have your address (see questionnaire) the prize will be mailed to you during the following week.
Find our FACEBOOK group for everyone here: Wanda's Workbasket, for announcements, fellowship, and discussion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/722047204901399 . Post your WIPs (Works in Progress), questions, comments, and just fun stuff about your life that you would like to share. I will announce winners of the monthly give-a-ways in this group.
Diamond Divas is a new Facebook group for Professional YT creators and Etsy Sellers, those who love the crafty business end of things. This group is for creators to share ideas, challenge months, collaborations, post new items available in your shops, etc… https://www.facebook.com/groups/907416689755144
You can find some of the GOODIES I introduce on this channel such as cover minders, wax pencils, and needle tip glue bottles at my Etsy shop = https://www.etsy.com/shop/WandasWorkbasket
Address all correspondence to:
Wanda Schwandt
Wanda's Workbasket
PO Box 145 Tylersport, PA 18971-0145
Blessings, W