L4. Number of Distinct Substrings in a String | Trie | C++ | Java

L4. Number of Distinct Substrings in a String | Trie | C++ | Java

Pre-requisite: First Video of the Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBGUmUQhjaM&list=PLgUwDviBIf0pcIDCZnxhv0LkHf5KzG9zp

In this video, we discuss the question counting the number of distinct substrings in a string.

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SDE-Sheet/Linkedin/Telegram/Instagram: https://linktr.ee/takeUforward
Problem Link: https://bit.ly/3ocRQW0
C++ Code: https://github.com/striver79/StriversTrieSeries/blob/main/L4_DistinctSubstrings_Cpp
Java Code: https://github.com/striver79/StriversTrieSeries/blob/main/L4_DistinctSubstrings_Java

trietrie data structurestriver

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