Labor MP Josh Burns says his party is going to ensure Australians across the country will have access to “high-quality, high-speed internet”.
Labor plans to expand fibre to 1.5 million premises but Communications Minister Paul Fletcher said they cannot be trusted because in six years of a Labor government, only 51,000 premises were connected at a cost of $6 billion.
“This government has bungled the NBN from day one, it’s been embarrassing, and it’s been very, very costly to Australians and to Australian consumers,” Mr Burns told Sky News Australia.
“We’re going to ensure that people across the country, especially in the outer suburbs, in the regions, are going to have access to high-quality, high-speed internet; it’s an important change for a crucial piece of infrastructure.
“Paul Fletcher is now doing handstands, instead he needs to move out the way and let a Labor government finish this important infrastructure.”