Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns Americans Will Pay ‘Price Of Blood’ For Passing Biden's Agenda

Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns Americans Will Pay ‘Price Of Blood’ For Passing Biden's Agenda

Marjorie Taylor Greene swears that she doesn't want a new civil war in America, but in the same breath she threatened that we will have to "pay the price of blood" if Biden's agenda gets passed. Greene is apparently so upset at the thought of Americans actually benefiting from the Build Back Better Act that she thinks violence is the only appropriate response to it. Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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During a recent appearance on the indicted, Steve Bannon's podcast, Marjorie Taylor green warned of possible bloodshed. If Joe Biden's agenda is allowed to pass and the agenda she's talking about is they build back better act. So, you know, if we do things like invest in infrastructure, which a lot of the infrastructure funding is in the build back better act. If we invest in green technologies, if we try to give workers a little bit better benefits and help American people, the Republicans are going to resort to bloodshed. Here's what she says, Joe Biden didn't win the 20, 20 election and everything we're seeing as a result of that. Okay, well, that's a lie. So let's continue with your lies and is going to frustrate our voters. They are sick and tired of electing people over and over again that continue to fail us, continue to create more debt and continue the long slow slide into a communist country. There it is. Again, Marjorie, you use that word, communist, communist. You have no idea what it means. You're a moron. Like you learned one word in high school and usually ran with it. Like everything I don't like is communist. Oh no, the person at the restaurant didn't put a pickle on my sandwich because they're a communist. That's what you are. That is exactly your train of thought. In every situation we haven't even gotten to the truly crazy part.

We need a good plan that restores America back to the Republic that it was founded to be because our freedoms are so precious, Steve, that we do not want to lose them. And the only way you get freedom back after you've lost, it is with the price of blood, the price of blood. So you're talking about revolution is what you're talking about. Once you've lost your freedoms. Marjorie, let me ask you this. What freedoms have you lost? What freedoms has anybody in this country lost? And I know conservatives are going to start hammering on the keyboard. Dave, you kids are back seeing mandates, oh, I'm sorry. You've lost the freedom to infect people with a deadly disease that could kill them. Oh no. You never had that freedom to begin with folks. You didn't, you know, maybe if you get a time machine, you go back and you talk to George Washington about vaccine mandates and he would school your on how important they are and how important they were to even winning the revolutionary war so that we could have a country.

I mean, hell, when you look at it that way, this country was founded on fricking vaccine mandates. So don't come at me with that bull crap because history proves you wrong every time. But more importantly, Marjorie Taylor green is saying here that there may be a revolution. There may be a civil war and she continues and no one wants a civil war in America. And that's why I'm going to be pushing hard in my Republican conference to hold not only Democrats accountable, but Republicans as county accountable. Well, so if the bill back better act passes and granted, it is nowhere near as big as it should be. Definitely isn't as big as it used to be, but it's still going to provide real material, tangible benefits to the American public. You're saying, if that happens, people are going to die and not because the bill back better act B because angry Republicans are going to kill them.

Just so, just so we're all on the same page, because that's what I'm getting from what you're saying, the price of blood, right? This woman needs more than just a psychological evaluation in my opinion, but she also needs to be expelled from Congress. We cannot have elected officials in here threatening, which I firmly believe this is a threat to commit violence against other Americans. You don't bring up things like the price of blood and then say, I don't want a civil war, but you know, that is absolutely seditious treasonous way of thinking. And she does need to be held accountable for it, but she never will be. And she's in a safe red district. So she's not going to be held accountable by the idiot voters who put her in office in the first place. That's, what's so frustrating about all of this. She is the pimple on the of America that refuses to go away.

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