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open me:
hi everyone!! Welcome back to another study vlog; this time, instead of being one day in my life, it's a whole week!:) So this study vlog covers 168 hours of my life (a week), and includes productive studying sessions as well as a lot of cozy autumn vibes since I went on a trip to the mountains with my family! So you'll come along with me to the mountains, hike through the forest, explore the cabin we stayed in, and do some fall activities (like bonfires and s'mores) with me as well as studying! I didn't have internet at the cabin (sometimes a page would load after half an hour, but that's if we were lucky), so I ended up improvising and just using the documents I had already downloaded + screenshots of my textbooks. Luckily the study sessions payed off though, and I got really good grades on my huge exam + group project, so the hard work payed off!! The mountain air really is magical :)))
Paperlike screen protector here (my favorite!): https://paperlike.com/study2success
iPad case that saves apple pencil from inevitable disappearance: https://amzn.to/2LYJWAx
apple pencil sleeve (gradient): https://amzn.to/394ZoUE
About me:
If you're new, hi, my name's Estella! I'm a college student studying communications & psychology and I post weekly videos! I make stationery and study tips videos based on my own experiences in college, high school, etc. If you ever have any video suggestions or questions leave them in the comments!
Like my supplies? Check out my shop: www.amazon.com/shop/studytosuccess
I get a small commission from amazon, knewkey, and paperlike at no cost to you (they're affiliate links), so thanks for your support!
social media:
instagrams: @studytosuccess and @estellastudies
tik tok: studytosuccess
This video is sponsored by Notion!
Track: Ikson - Yellow [Official]
Music provided by Ikson®
Listen: https://youtu.be/QuueV3_BZKM